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FC Bohemians Praha - FC Slovácko 0:0

09.04.2008, středa, 14:00
kapitan_dekuje_velky.jpg The match between the second and the third teams in the league table brought out some rather strenuous and aggressive football from both sides. In the first half the local team did not manage to put Slovácko under as much pressure as had been anticipated.

Slovácko was starting from a well-guarded defence and in the 19th minute Racko had a great chance for an opening goal when from very short range he drove the ball wide of the goal.

The local team was not getting any real shooting opportunities and the attempts by Fenyk, Ibe and Zoubek missed Slovácko’s goal.

In the second half the picture of the game did not change much; it was played mainly in the centre of the field and all the shooting attempts of the players on both sides were fired from long-range. Only in the 67th minute Racko hit the cross-bar frightening the Bohemians team.

Slovácko, with substantial support from their fans, continued trying to create chances but the crucial pass and accuracy in finishing were lacking.

With the clock ticking the attention of both teams was focused on dividing the points. When some of the players got to the endplay they then came to grief because of careful goalkeeping.

"We came to get points here which we managed to do, so...it’s satisfactory," said coach Kalvoda at the press conference.

„The fans were able to see a quality aggressive match and a point for both teams is fair,“ Kalvoda added.
Jméno Heslo
 Další články:
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09.04.2008, středa, 14:00 - FC Bohemians Praha - FC Slovácko 0:0
09.04.2008, středa, 13:02 - Na slovíčko s Janem Palinkem o juniorce Slovácka
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